Tell us a little bit about yourself. Are you part of a climate organization? What are your passions?
I am a part of the Earth Guardians youth council. I feel called to do a lot; the end result of everything I want to do is make this a better plant for the next generations. I am in the process of starting a Earth guardians crew in my town, which is a bit of a struggle and that’s only because we are a refinery town. But I am determined to make a change and I will.
I hope that one day I can become a midwife to see and help those next generations come into this world. But one passion that has never left my side is art. It’s a part of me, and when I pick up a paint brush or a pencil the art just moves through me! It’s amazing and unexplainable and I am hoping to use that as well to inspire and help our next generations.
How are you impacted by climate change or how is it affecting your community, friends and family?
I am from Beaumont, Texas. I’ve lived in a refinery town my whole life. In my whole life, I’ve known more than 10 people that have died from cancer, because they either worked in a refinery or just because our air quality is so bad. You can’t swim in our ocean. The refineries just pour all of their runoff into the Gulf of Mexico, which causes the bacteria levels to rise — as far as I know about 5 people have died from it. And I personally know one person who is still fighting for their life after two years of being infected by it. A lot of people are unaware of the long term effects it has on the body and the Earth. They only care about the money.
Why is climate justice important to you? When did you realize you wanted to take action?
I have always been conscious of recycling and the effects humans have on the planet. But I didn’t fully understand until my family and I went to Standing Rock. that’s when I felt it. I knew I had to do something because no one else was going to. I went vegan, became conscious of where I was buying thing, got into politics, and started reconnecting with Mother Earth. And once I did that, I started to feel the hurt and really understand how much we have messed up our Mother Earth. From them on out, I’ve have been trying to make a change starting at home. I want my great great great- grandkids to have clean water to drink, I want to to be able to go camping, and connect with my ancestral lands.
Are you already taking action around climate justice? How so?
Right now I am starting an Earth Guardians crew. Through this, I hope to educate and inspire local youth and together make some changes to the cities around us.
What do you think should be the government’s role? Or should it be the community’s responsibility to aim for climate justice?
We have relied on the government for so long and they never listen! It’s time for the people, the youth, to rise up and make a change. Change doesn’t come from the people in power it comes from the power of the people. If we come together with a strong powerful message we can make a change!